jeudi 6 juin 2013

Optimize Internal Links to Boost Blog Ranking

Optimize Internal Linking
Internal linking within content is very important. As you may already know, website or blog that provide easy navigation to its users most loved by Google. And internal linking plays a vital role in improving website's navigation. Users feel it easy to navigate from one page to another of the website if you provide them relevant links within your content. Using internal linking wisely can help you to improve your rankings in search results. Hence you will get really targeted traffic to your blog. You may notice that webmasters put relevant links in their content which is a form of internal linking. Newbie bloggers also use this internal linking methodology in their blog posts but they fail to use it effectively. That's why today I bring some tips that will help you to use internal linking effectively to boost your SEO rankings.

Using Internal Linking Correctly

Before we start today's topic, first you need to know what is internal linking and what its advantages are. I have already published a post that covers this topic in detail.

  • Must Read: Benefits of Internal Linking in SEO

Now, let discuss how to use internal linking correctly for better SEO.

Use of Keywords as Anchor Text

Anchor text is the word or collection of words we used to create hyperlinks. Many bloggers used anchor text like 'click here' or 'see this page' to make hyperlinks in their blog posts. But this is not a good way to optimize the links. You must use target keywords as anchor text. It will make the job easier for search engines to understand the topic of linked post. Hence there are higher chances to rank for those keywords.

Use Title Attribute

I have checked many blogs and found that bloggers use alt and title attribute in their images to optimize them but only few of them are using title attribute for links. If title attribute is beneficial for images then why it can't be used to optimize the links. Make use of them and start optimizing your internal links.

  • Related Post: Add Title and Alt Attribute To Optimize Images For SEO

Never Link to Label Pages (For Blogspot Users Only)

Many bloggers are doing this mistake. They use labels to create internal linking. You must know that posts are more important than labels because labels are only used to categorize the blog posts. We receive traffic from our posts only. So, instead of linking to labels start linking to related posts. One thing you can do is create HTML sitemap and use it to link in your content. It will also help you to increase your page rank. Read below article to know how HTML sitemap can use to increase blog Page rank.

  • Don't Miss: Increase Google Page Rank

Final Words!

These were the tips to make effective use of internal linking in your blog posts. Always try to provide relevant links in your posts. It will give you awesome benefits like increase page views, reduce bounce rate etc and Google will also love your blog for easy navigation. So, keep learning things and apply on your blog. Best of luck! Meet you in my next article. Bye ;)

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